Joint Macctrials & Man17 Pilot Trial

Entries Full see man 17 website for observers list and more details

Plans are underway to run a ‘Pilot’ Trial on Sunday 2nd August together with our friends at Manchester 17 .

What we can tell you so far:

Entries not open yet – should open this week 13-17 July (keep an eye on the web site)

Venue Rough Heys Quarry – BIG and brilliant for trials, loads of grip even when wet.

Start Time 11AM

Conventional observed trial format – we will need observers to contact Ken Roberts

Entry Limit 80 and hopefully 12 observers

Only 2 routes (sorry Experts) you can ride of course but it might be a bit easy for you

Only on line entries using the ACU system

Solo only

All adult and Youth A, B and experienced C classes


There will be lots of special rules to follow to avoid possibility of spreading Covid 19 you’ll need to check em out before entering as they are tough and thorough.

The Wheels are Starting to Turn………….

Following a Video Conference of the ACU Ltd Board of Directors, the long-awaited return to two-wheel activity was discussed in detail based on the latest advice/guidance sent out by the UK Government on 25th May.  In case you haven’t seen the latest guidance the link to the document is given below:


On the basis of this document, training will be allowed to take place for participants aged 16 and above.  It goes without saying that in all circumstances, social distancing measures must be respected.  A risk assessment has been produced by ACU Head Office which will be distributed to all ACU Coaches and the guidance given within that document must be strictly adhered to.   The Training Secretary (Debbie Walmsley) is now available to issue permits for the return of training activity.  

Training activity is restricted to 16 years and above in accordance with the latest UK Government guidance and until otherwise notified, the ratio of training is restricted to one Coach to a maximum of three riders, ie. a small cluster.  Details will be issued by ACU Head Office, when it is considered suitable for these numbers to be increased.  

When applying for a training permit, the attached risk assessment must be completed and returned or amended / added to deleted to suit individual needs. What is important is that a Risk Assessment must be supplied which outlines the Control Measures put in place to ensure the safe running of a training session before a Permit is issued. Permit applications can be accepted with immediate effect for Training activity to commence from 1st June. 

Practice Permits.  With effect 1st June, permit applications may be sent to the relevant Discipline Secretary to apply for a Practice Permit for practice events to commence from 8th June.  It is stressed that this is not for competition but for practice only and participants aged 16 and above.  

A General Principles document and Risk Assessments pertaining to each discipline will be issued shortly which again will outline the control measures that must be put in place. Organisers may use this Risk Assessment or provide their own document, but in all circumstances a Risk Assessment must accompany a permit application to demonstrate that Control Measures put in place are suitable and sufficient and considered to be as low as is reasonably practicable to reduce the risk of infection and to maintain Social Distancing measures.  

Competition Permits.  For the next three months (commencing 1st June), all Permits (Training/Practice and Competition) will be issued by ACU Head Office.  This is to ensure that a Risk Assessment accompanies a Permit Application, either the Risk Assessment produced by ACU Head Office that has been completed and returned or a risk assessment drafted by the Organiser taking into consideration the control measures to be put in place to mitigate the risk of infection and to consider Social Distancing measures.  

For clarity, competition permits will be issued for events commencing on / or after 4th July.  The cost of a Permit to be issued by ACU Head Office for the next three months (Covid19 Permit) will be £25.00 for each permit and for clarification these are the Permits that would have been issued in normal circumstances by the Centre.  As well as the Risk Assessment, normal protocols regarding a Permit Application applies and entry to the activity is made online such as the ACU online system.  A £3.00 surcharge per rider will be added if we have to cancel the permit following a change in Government advice.

Youth Practice. As per the latest UK Government guidance, we cannot start youth practice for the time-being.  This is being constantly reviewed and further updates will follow once more clarity has been given on this matter. 

The Board of Directors thank all Organisers / members for their continued support and on behalf of the Board, Chairman Roy Humphrey commented “The Directors are well aware of the eagerness of many who wish to get going and get started back in their sport as soon as possible.  Apart from the love of the sport and motorcycles, this will give everyone a lift and help our mental wellbeing. We, as the Governing Body have a responsibility to ensure our Sport, our Clubs and Members adhere to current UK Government policy with regard to Covid-19 and as such we must all do what we can to minimize the risk of infection by maintaining our social distance.  The last thing we or anyone needs is a second peak now that restrictions are slowly beginning to ease’.

Summary of dates:

Activity                                  Permit Application Date                    Event Date

Coaching/Training                 27th May 2020                                1st June 2020

Practice Events                     1st June 2020                                  8th June 2020

Competition Events               15th June 2020                                4th July 2020

Reopening Hawks Nest From Monday 1st June

We have been trying to work out the best way to open and not have it like a fisher trial on the first day. So we have been and worked out we can safely have 18 vehicles parked with enough space (16ft) for your vehicle and for you to have space to either side(see picture) 

Please book in with us via Facebook messenger however if you know of people who don’t have facebook my email is and last of all phone the farm 01298 78976. If you come without booking you will be asked to leave as we have used all the space at the top for the 18 spaces. 

We are also asking that you do not travel more than an hour and a half to get to us.(See picture). Sorry for this but we think it is for the best at this time and things will change as things improve. 

New Rules 

When you arrive park your vehicles in the next available space the pull in before our drive is the first space then 2-18 are after marked out with metal posts. Then come down to the farm to let us know you are here. Place the correct money (£5 pre bike) in the black box by the door. We will collect it at points in the day. 

It is your responsibility to keep to the 2m social distancing rules you are all adults and unless you have been lied to by your other half should know how long 2ms is 

If you are wanting to ride with friends one person book with how many vans there will be in your group and we will try are best to have you all on the same day. 

That in mind when booking please give me more than one day within the week that you would like so that when I get to your message I don’t have to message you back for a different day as that one in full. This will put you to the back of the list as I will be working through the messages on a first come first serve. 

Lastly please remember I have a 3 month old so will only be able to reply to you when he is asleep, playing nicely or his dad is home from work. Don’t keep sending me messages as again this will send you to the back of the queue. Please also give plenty of time between when you message and when you want to come. Booking for the next day will not be possible.

Tracy and the Robinson Family Thank you

ACU Statement 13th May

The ACU Board of Directors met virtually yesterday (12th May 2020) to discuss the phased return to motorcycle sport following Monday’s publication of the UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy. 

The ACU, in partnership with the ACMA, have decided that a phased return to sporting events will commence in parallel with the Government’s Step Three. Thiscoincides with the reopening of remaining business, public places and leisure facilities which have been required to close. As of 12th May, Step Three is due to begin from 4th July but this is under constant review. We will assess the situation again when the Government implements Step Two, envisaged to be the 1st June. 

In the coming weeks, the ACU and AMCA will publish guidance documents for organisers looking to run restricted events after this time. This will give organisers time to consider the implications of continued social distancing and prepare future events safely. 

In order to reflect the differences in devolved administrations, no British Championship Enduro, Motocross, Trials or Speedway will take place until travel restrictions between England/ Scotland/ Wales/ Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man have been lifted and other factors considered, in line with Government guidance. 

The ACU and AMCA would like to thank all our members for their patience during this difficult time, and we appreciate the steps taken by many individuals, clubs and organisations to support local communities during these unprecedented events. 

For further information, please see the ACU’s Coronavirus Operational Plan (.…/2…/Coronavirus-Operational-Plan.pdf)
We would remind all members that these plans are subject to change, and will be taken in line with the latest UK Government guidance.

New link on the website

We have just added a link to club stalwarts Toby and Ken Eyres facebook page about there excellent wheel building enterprise .

I guess after Boris’s statement last night we are waiting for some clarity about practising, events etc. Well the ACU will make a statement on Wednesday which we will reproduce on the website .