December trial Cancelled

Sadly with the ongoing Covid pandemic and the December trial falling just at the end of the second lockdown, the club have decided to cancel the trial due to be held on the 6th December . Let’s all hope we can complete a full calendar of events in 2021 starting in February. 20201 dates will be published soon .

Hawks nest annoucement re lockdown 2

We are not shutting hawks nest completely however we are goin to limit who can come to local riders. So a list of places 
New mills 
And anyone within theses areas. We are relying on you to use your common sense here as you are all adults. 
We are still asking you book in with us via Facebook messenger, email  and last of all phone the farm 01298 78976. If you come without booking you will be asked to leave as we have used all the space at the top for the 18 spaces. I only need to know how many vehicles you are booking for not how many are in your group. If you are wanting to ride with friends one person book with how many vehicles there will be in your group and we will try are best to have you all on the same day. That in mind when booking please give me more than one day within the week that you would like so that when I get to your message I don’t have to message you back for a different day as that one in full. This will put you to the back of the list as I will be working through the messages on a first come first serve. 
A reminder of the old and new rules
When riding at Hawks Nest please stay on our land. Do Not go through either gate on your bikes (even if you have insurance) this is to help keep our neighbours happy and you to be able to keep riding here. 
Please keep within the blue rope and out of the trees at the top. If any stones go on to the road please can you pick them up before you leave. Again to keep the neighbours happy 😊
When going down to the bottom please keep off the bridle way other than to cross over into the trees. 
With the bridleway in mind the locally horse trekking centre comes through the ground. If you see them coming please turn your engines off and wait for them to be far enough away before starting them up again. 
When you arrive park your vehicles in the next available space the pull in before our drive is the first space then 2-18 are after that. The metal poles have seemed to gone missing over the weeks so please park sensible. Again you are all adults 😊 Then come down to the farm and place the correct money (£5 per bike) in the black box by the door. We will collect it at points in the day. 
It is your responsibility to keep to the 2m social distancing rules you are all adults and unless you have been lied to by your other half should know how long 2ms is 😉 
Don’t keep sending me messages as again this will send you to the back of the queue.

Man17 Latest

Man17 the Northern Experts on the 7th November . Entries will be by the ACU online system and open on the 26th off September .This is a National road trial run in the Wildboarclough are of Cheshire .

John MacDonald Road Trial

For the riders who got they’re entry in when the fee was set at £0 and to save handling cash and time on the day of the trial. Could you please pay the fee of £25 to the clubs Paypal account email – if possible .

It’s all system go for our annual Road Trial for Adults. Classes for Clubman, Intermediate and Expert. 3 laps of 15 Sections.
Enter online using the ACU System. Entries open on Saturday 29th August at 9am.

Regs for the John MacDonald trial

Permit number ACU 58315

Due to delays at ACU HQ, Entries now open at 7am on Monday 7th September.

  • Sunday, 20 September 2020 from 10:00-16:00
  • Hazels Farm, Sutton, Nr Macclesfield, SK11 0QL