Author: Bill


We really need some more observes for this Saturdays trial (10th July ) at Higher Nabbs farm start time 3pm . If you can help please contact Andy Foot

July trial details

Stand by your computers the next Macctrials evening trial to be held on the 10th July at Higher Nabbs Farm Wildboarclough Farm will be available to enter on line between 9am Saturday 26th June and 11am Saturday  3rd July or earlier when the limit is reached. Trial starts at 3 pm. Regs and map of…

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Trial announcement

The club will run an evening trial on the 5th June at Hazels Farm Wincle Nr Macclesfield SK11 0BA , start time 3:00pm . Entries via ACU Online from 9.00am on Saturday 22nd May . Close the following Saturday . Only 60 entries accepted , on a first come first served basis .