Author: Bill

Paul Glendenning Shield

After a faultless ride at the Paul Glendenning Shield trial in August winner John Wilson was presented with the trophy at our recent trial by chief section setter Andy Foot.

Round 1 summer series

Round 1 results , Many thanks to observers: Carrie, Mike Kelly, Le Griff ,Chris Atherton,Roger Townsend,Mr Rimmer section 9, Young man on section 2. Landowners Chris & Helen Heath, officials, section marking team – Andy Foot, Margaret Carter, Mike Kelly, Nick Wraith, Tony Platt, Thanks to Marty Hill, Sam Atherton for checking routes and putting…

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Crowd Funding appeal

Our friends at Sheffield & Hallamshire MC – Trials are trying to buy Eadons Fields which has been a local trials venue for over 70 years. If you can help in any way either contact them directly or donate online.